About the Osteoporosis in Residential Aged Care project

This project aims to evaluate a simple, easy-to-use tool called Break Free that we developed for use in Australian Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs) to increase the identification and treatment of fracture risk in residents.

The Primary objectives include:

  • To develop a web-based version of the Canadian Fracture Risk Scale (FRS) (developed and validated by McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada), and evaluate its use in Australian RACFs.
  • To evaluate an evidence-based Fracture Risk Clinical Assessment Protocol (CAP) embedded in the Break Free tool.

Secondary objectives include:

  • To evaluate the fracture risk CAP implementation process.
  • To assess the change in fracture risk management in Victorian RACFs following implementation of the fracture risk CAP.

This Project was supported by an Amgen – Healthy Bones Australia/Australia and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society (ANZBMS) Clinical Grant

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